Several of our readers kindly reversed the encrptyed configuration file in Appendix D of the paper and provided an explanation. Knowing the contents of the configurationfile changes our 5th point of the "Fast-Flux Case Study" considerably. Yes, it does download "plugin_ddos.dll", but only because it's ordered to. Depending on the configuration file (which is reloaded hourly as you state), the malware can change skin and become anything the owner wants. We would like to thank Ronny Tomaat and Jan Alsenz for hard work in decoding and analyzing the encrypted configuration file. All the line contents are xor'ed with the fixed constant 0xE9. The following short java snippet decodes the file: public class Flux_Decode { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("g:\\fluxnet_setting.ini"), "ISO-8859-1")); int key = Integer.decode("#E9"); while (true) { String inStr = in.readLine(); if (inStr == null) { break; } char[] inp = inStr.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < inp.length; i++) { inp[i] = (char)(inp[i] ^ key); } System.out.println(new String(inp)); } in.close(); } } Just replace the path, or make it a parameter. The decoded content is: ==[start decryption]== [] ddos|dl| ddos|tcp||80|10000 ddos|udp||80|10000 ddos|troll||80|10000 ddos|http||80|10000 ==[end decryption]==