Ok, here's my shot: > ### QUESTION 1: What is the scan attempting to determine? The attacker is sending a few characters per packet to the server in an attempt to make a web request (this is known due to destination port 80, and the server's response). The technique of sending a few characters per packet (in an attempt to bypass intrusion detection systems that have not implemented stream reassembly) is called 'session splicing'. If you look at the data in each packet, you'll see that following request is sent: HEAD / HTT Note that this is actually a malformed request (the HTTP/1.0 was severed). Had the scan suceeded, the server would have returned the main home page (if it existed), which would include a few server headers--one in particular that may indicate what software and version the webserver is running (the 'Server' header). > ### QUESTION 2: What is unique about the scan methodology? As mentioned above, sending a few characters a time prevents ID systems that do not perform stream reassembly from correctly finding a valid signature in the packet. > ### QUESTION 3: Can you name the scanning tool? NOTE: We now belive that the scanning tool was a simple Windows telnet connection. At first we did not believe this, as Windows telnet uses single character mode, and we could not get several characters into a single packet. However, after more testing we did confirm it was possilbe. > BONUS QUESTION: What known vulnerabilities exist on the honeypot? Looking at the returned headers, we see it's an IIS 4.0 server, which means it's running on Windows NT. Some guesses as too known vulnerabilities would include RDS, HTR file fragment reading, and the Unicode bug. - rfp