Honeynet Scan of the Month

#24 -- October 2002

by Jeff Wichman




The Challenge:
The folks from Digital Forensic Research WorkShop have created a unique challenge for you. Your mission is to analyze a recovered floppy and answer the questions below. What makes this challenge unique, you will need to read the police report before continuing your challenge. Just like an investigation in the real world, you will have some background information and some evidence, but its up to you and your technical skills to dig up the answers. Below is the dd image of the recovered floppy. This is the image that will provide you the answers, providing you can 'extract' the data.



Tools utilized in this analysis:

            Autopsy version 1.62 from @Stake

            Task version 1.52 from @Stake



Download image from Honeynet Alliance website:


wget http://project.honeynet.org/scans/scan24/image.zip


--22:55:08--  http://project.honeynet.org/scans/scan24/image.zip

           => `image.zip'

Resolving project.honeynet.org... done.

Connecting to project.honeynet.org[]:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 18,146 [application/zip]


100%[====================================>] 18,146 203.69K/s         ETA 00:00


22:55:08 (203.69 KB/s) - `image.zip' saved [18146/18146]



Compare the md5 value:


md5sum image.zip

  b676147f63923e1f428131d59b1d6a72  image.zip



Unzip the image:


unzip image.zip

Archive:  image.zip

  inflating: image



Take away write access to the file as an additional precaution:


chmod -w image



Run strings on image to get disk information for Autopsy / Task setup:


strings image


NO NAME                     FAT12   3



Edit the fsmorgue file to read image information with Autopsy:


# fsmorgue file for Autopsy Forensic Browser


# image             img_type           mount_point                  time zone

image               fat12                 a:                                 EST5EDT



Launch Autopsy and begin analysis:


./autopsy -m /tools/forensics/task-1.52/morgue -l /tools/c-scene -i "Jeff Wichman" 8888 localhost



                                    Autopsy Forensic Browser

                                          ver 1.62



Morgue: /tools/forensics/task-1.52/morgue

Start Tie: Thu Oct 24 23:29:17 2002

Investigator: Jeff Wichman


NOTE md5.txt does not exist for image integrity checks


Paste this as your browser URL on localhost:



Keep this process running and use <ctrl-c> to exit


Opening the URL begins the Autopsy Forensic Browser (
Figure 1.1):

Figure 1.1

Notes and Steps taken during investigation: 


One of the first things done was to generate an MD5 value of the image. (Figure 1.2) This was done to provide the investigator the ability to perform integrity checks during and after the investigation.  The MD5 values were used throughout the course of the investigation to verify that the image, files, and reports were not altered.


Figure 1.2


After generating the MD5 value the investigation is ready to begin analyzing the image.  Figure 1.3 shows the available images that Autopsy has available to work with.  This information was setup earlier when we edited the fsmorgue file.


Figure 1.3


After selecting the image to work with, Autopsy takes us to our previous selection which in this case was File Browsing. Figure 1.4 shows the files that Autopsy was able to find on the image.  Autopsy recovers basic file information such as name, size UID, GID, Inode for the files, and various time stamps on the files.  Autopsy was able to determine that one file was deleted as shown in Figure 1.4 that was named Jimmy Jungle.doc.  Armed with the information on the three files that were found, we begin to extract any data we can from the files. 


Figure 1.4


Selecting the File System menu option, Autopsy shows the file system details and the FAT Contents that can still be easily recovered.  The File System option gives us the details as shown in Figure 1.5.  Notice the two items at the bottom of the main window showing the FAT Contents.  This is where two of our files that we are attempting to recover and begin with the first item 73-103 (31) à EOF.


Figure 1.5


Examining the contents in the sectors 73-103 can be seen in the reports hex-sector73.doc and strings-sector73.doc.  Each report details the data contained in the sectors along with MD5 values for the information.  After examining the hex-sector73.doc we were able noticed a string “pw=goodtimes” and ran a separate report on Sector 103 (hex-sector103.doc) to add that information to our case notes.  Since pw commonly stands for password a file we want to examine may be password protected.  We can see from the Autopsy window that the file type is “JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01; resolution (DPI), 96 X 96”  We know the image contains a coverpage.jpgc file so the suspect may have altered the file extension to hide the JPEG file.  We now use Autopsy to export the data into a raw file (Figure 1.6) so we can use an image view to examine what the file contains.  To determine what type of program created the file coverpage.jpg we want to examine sector 72.  The information in sector 72 is part of the file’s properties that contain hidden data such as what application created the file.  Please see hex-sector72.doc for the Autopsy String Sector Report for MD5 values and verification to what application created the image.


Figure 1.6


Returning to the File System menu option we can examine the contents of sectors 104-108(5) and generate the reports hex-sector104.doc and strings-sector104.doc.  From the File details window we can see the file type: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract.  Using Autopsy we can export the file to image-Sector104.raw and begin examining the file.  Dropping to a console window we can unzip the file and were prompted for a password.  Going back into the notes we see a password from Sector 103 that was “goodtimes” and use the password here to determine if this is the password to unlock the file.  The password works and the file Scheduled Visits.xls is extracted from the archive.  Now running strings on the file produces a list of additional schools that the suspect has been visiting.  The output from running strings on the Scheduled Visits.xls can be found in strings-Sch-visits.doc.  We see that the suspect has been targeting the following schools:


ü       Smith Hill High School

ü       Key High School

ü       Leetch High School

ü       Birard High School

ü       Richter High School

ü       Hull High School



The only file that remains to be examined was the file marked for deletion and to examine that file we first found the sectors that contained the file and ran a report on both sectors (hex-sector38.doc and hex-sector39.doc).  As you can see from the reports we were able to obtain the suspects suppliers name and address as well as a letter that was written from the suspect to the supplier.


After completion we ran MD5 against the image and files we had generated to make sure nothing had been altered during the investigation.





  1. Who is Joe Jacob’s supplier of marijuana and what is the address listed for the supplier?

Jimmy Jungle

626 Jungle Ave. Apt2

Jungle, NY 11111

  1. What crucial data is available within the coverpage.jpg file and why is the data crucial?

The image file states that Jimmy Jungle is this month’s featured seller.  It is also implying that there are others who are selling marijuana which makes it a possible network of dealers/sellers.

  1. What (if any) other high schools besides Smith Hill does Joe Jacobs frequent?

The list of other schools that the suspect had scheduled visits to are:

Key High School

Leetch High School

Birard High School

Richter High School

Hull High School

  1. For each file, what processes were taken by the suspect to mask them from others?

Jimmy Jungle.doc was marked for deletion.

The cover page file had the file extension changed from .jpg to .jpgc

The scheduled visits.exe was password protected. (Password was goodtimes)

  1. What processes did you (the investigator) use to successfully examine the entire contents of each file?

The processes are described above

  1. What Microsoft program was used to create the Cover Page file?  What is your proof (Proof is the key to getting the question right, not just making a guess).

The cover page file was created with Microsoft Word Version 8.0.  The proof is found by examining the FAT content sector immediately before the sectors that contain the coverpage.jpg (73-101) file.