1)Who is Joe Jacob's supplier of marijuana and what is the address listed for the supplier? Name: Jimmy Jungle Address: 626 Jungle Ave Apt 2 Jungle, NY 11111 2)What crucial data is available within the coverpage.jpg file and why is this data crucial? This file contains the password the third file sched~1.exe is zipped with. 3) What (if any) other high schools besides Smith Hill does Joe Jacobs frequent? (B) Key High School (C) Leetch High School (D) Birard High School (E) Richter High School (F) Hull High School The (A) is Smith Hill HIgh School 4) For each file, what processes were taken by the suspect to mask them from others? The date of the file is important: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15585 set 11 08:30 cover page.jpgc -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 20480 apr 15 14:42 Jimmy Jungle.doc -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2416 mag 24 08:20 schedu~1.exe In the .doc file Joe talks about two files he already exchanged with Jimmy So the correct time order of the file is 1) cover page.jpgc 2) sched~1.exe 3) Jimmy Jungle.doc But the time order of the recovered file is different. Note: MSDOS write the file on the first sector free. So Joe first wrote "Jimmy Jungle.doc" then "cover page.jpgc" and finally "sched~1.exe" 5) What processes did you (the investigator) use to successfully examine the entire contents of each file? First I dumped the contents of the image (brutal method for prelimar analysis) Second I tried to get deeper in the structure of the filesystem and reconstruct (as far as I can) the filesystem (and then read the files;))). For details see the other file "analysis.txt"