Scan of the Month #16 - Decrypt and analyze an encrypted file found on
a compromised system.
Thank you for that exciting challenge. The decryption was just
the prelude to an interesting investigation. Now the answers ...
1. Identify the encryption algorithim used to encrypt the file.
xor every byte by 255
2. How did you determine the encryption method?
guessed :-)
This was the first thing I thought of when I first downloaded the encrypted
file. However, that was not the first thing I did:
download somefile.tgz (435 bytes)
download (411 bytes) - himm ... .zip is smaller does this
mean anything ???
extract .tgz and .zip and check that the contents are identical :-)
somefile (532 bytes) - small for a binary perhaps a shell script???
file and strings commands (obviously) did not reveal anything useful.
hexdump -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%02x " "\n"' somefile
0000000 a4 99 96 93 9a a2 f5 99 96 91 9b c2 d0 9b
9a 89
0000010 d0 8f 8b 8c d0 cf ce d0 9d 96 91 d0 99 96 91 9b
0000020 f5 9b 8a c2 d0 9b 9a 89 d0 8f 8b 8c d0 cf ce d0
0000030 9d 96 91 d0 9b 8a f5 93 8c c2 d0 9b 9a 89 d0 8f
0000040 8b 8c d0 cf ce d0 9d 96 91 d0 93 8c f5 99 96 93
00001e0 d0 8f 8b 8c d0 cf ce d0 9d 96 91 d0 8f 9e 8c 8c
00001f0 88 9b f5 8c 97 9a 93 93 c2 d0 9d 96 91 d0 8c 97
0000200 f5 f5 8c 8a a0 8f 9e 8c 8c c2 93 cc cc 8b 97 cb
0000210 87 cf 8d f5
No obvious pattern, however these are all large numbers (not ASCII)
I had MATLAB open on my desktop
so I decided to check the histograms
axis([0 255 0 60]);

It was getting late so I decided to sleep on it ...
At midnight the pattern hit something inside and I woke up! The histogram
pattern was just a mirror image of a normal histogram of an ASCII
text! This is what you woud get with a bit flip. Continuing from where
I left off, I tried the xor-by-255 method that I have been putting off
as too simple ...
axis([0 255 0 60]);

Yes! it worked!
3. Decrypt the file, be sure to explain how you decrypted the file.
The MATLAB command char(df') converted the decrypted array into
a string:
A single line using perl can accomplish the same thing:
$ perl -e 'while(<>){s/(.)/chr(ord($1)^0xff)/eg; print;}'
4. Once decrypted, explain the purpose/function of the file and why it
was encrypted
It is a rootkit configuration file. It lists the ports and files that must
be hidden by the trojaned binaries. It also contains paths to executables
ie. /dev/pts/01/bin/netstat. This turns out to be a wrapper (see bonus
question below) that calls the original binary hidden in the given path
and filters the results. The encryption may serve two purposes:
It may prevent some users from modifying the rootkit (extremely low level
It may prevent/slow-down discovery by administrators/analysts (the filename,
which is probably uconv.inv, is visible inside the wrapper binaries,
so people may want to check it out)
5. What lesson did you learn from this challenge?
In the previous Scan of the Month, the rootkit installation locations was
modified by the attacker but the original paths remained hard-coded inside
the binaries, making the rootkit non-functional. I think this is an attempt
to prevent similar happenings. And to create easy to configure rootkits
for Windows kiddies. Soon these things will be plug-and-play :-).
The next lesson is about obfuscation - it does not work. If you really
need to encrypt something use a proven algorithm.
Finally, do not ignore your instincts even if it looks too simple to
be true.
6. How long did this challenge take you?
The decryption took about 15-20 minutes. The following search for the rootkit
information is spread over a few days.
Bonus Question: This encryption method and file are part of a security
toolkit. Can you identify this toolkit?
This is the question that took most of my time. I have searched the internet
for some of the keywords found in the configuration file. My first hit
was a google search on tcp port 47018 which lead me to
- Matt Power's post on snmpXdmid Solaris remote root compromise. He described
a rootkit that closely matched the configuration file. He did not describe
the configuration file probably because it was encrypted. The next link
was the CERT Advisory
on snmpXdmid. It also described a similar rootkit. A followup to Matt's
post from Roberto
expanded on the matter:
I have seen this kit on my Sun 5.8 machines as wel.. i
found a README with it..
Here is some more information about it and where it
came from..
pasted below :
X-ORG Internal Release ONLY! Don't Spread!
by JudgeD/Danny-Boy
Version 2.3DXE
* Variable sshd port ( Inspired by t0rnkit 8 )
* New Setup Wrapper to allow user define variable (thanks Tragedy/Dor
* ps trojan for Solaris 5.7 & 5.8
* lsof ( Inspired by t0rnkit 8 )
* wget ( Included for convinient )
* Support to download extra tools from a remote sites.
* Support for all versions of Solaris ( from 5.4 > )
Greets: X-ORG, etC!, bH, torn, dor, _random,
Annihilat, W_Knight, Omen, APACHE
DR_SNK, Cvele, angelz, sensei and
Searching for an other keyword, uconf.inv resulted in an other interesting
thread, this time from Focus-Sun mailing list:
this post describes another Solaris rootkit, with the following README:
This is: SunOS Rootkit v2.5 (C) 1997-2001 Tragedy/Dor
If you find this file, most likely your host has been hacked
by a user
of this rootkit. If you want information about this tool,
removal instructions
or such, please email
The author takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for anyone who misuses
this tool.
Please quote the following version number in any emails..
if the rootkit wasnt
installed the version will be in a file named "iver"
Again Tragedy/Dor. Unfortunately, searching for tragedy/dor did
not lead to the rootkit itself. A reply
to this message by Casper Dik confirms that rootkit moves the binaries
to a safe place (/dev/pts/01/bin) and replaces them with wrappers.The wrappers
check the configuration file to determine their behaviours). It appears
that there are several groups that use the New Setup Wrapper to
create custom rootkits.
Analysis by Can E. Acar