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To begin the analysis, I downloaded .unlock and verified that the signatures matched the ones listed at the download page:
csh% wget --22:39:46-- => `.unlock' Resolving done. Connecting to[]:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 17,973 [text/plain] 100%[====================================>] 17,973 72.53K/s ETA 00:00 22:39:46 (72.53 KB/s) - `.unlock' saved [17973/17973] csh% md5sum .unlock a03b5be9264651ab30f2223592befb42 .unlock csh% man -k sha sha [dgst] (1ssl) - message digests sha1 [dgst] (1ssl) - message digests shasum [sha1sum] (1) - compute and check SHA1 message digest [...spurious output deleted...] csh% which sha sha: Command not found. csh% which sha1 sha1: Command not found. csh% which shasum shasum: Command not found. csh% locate sha1 /usr/bin/sha1sum [...spurious output deleted...] csh% sha1sum .unlock 4b018cdfdbcf71ddaa789e8ecc9ed7700660021a .unlock |
![]() | Two Signatures? |
The implementation details for MD5 and SHA1 are described in Applied Cryptography (Second Edition) in Chapter 18. The composition of two signatures provides extra protection against a birthday attack. It escapes me at the moment why an attacker would care very much to substitute a different file with the same checksums. As pointed out by Nick DeBaggis in Scan 23, the security here is really dependent on the security of the Honeynet website (and its DNS) itself. If an attacker is able to substitute the .unlock file, presumably they could also alter the web page to list new checksums. A solution to the brute-force substitution attack would be to list the checksums as part of a message which is digitally signed by a well-known key. |
The next step in analyzing a file is to determine what type of file it is. Up-to-date versions of the GNU implementation of file do a pretty good job of identifying files:
csh% file .unlock .unlock: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Fri Sep 20 03:59:04 2002, os: Unix |
csh% gunzip -c .unlock > unlock-2 csh% file unlock-2 unlock-2: GNU tar archive csh% tar -tvf unlock-2 -rw-r--r-- root/wheel 70981 2002-09-20 06:28:11 .unlock.c -rw-r--r-- root/wheel 2792 2002-09-19 14:57:48 .update.c csh% tar -xf unlock-1 csh% file .unlock.c .unlock.c: ASCII English text, with CRLF, LF line terminators csh% file .update.c .update.c: ASCII C program text, with CRLF, LF line terminators |
As indicated by the file command, .unlock is a compressed file. The uncompressed file is a tar archive containing C source files.
csh% file .unlock .unlock: gzip compressed data, deflated, last modified: Fri Sep 20 03:59:04 2002, os: Unix csh% gunzip -c .unlock > unlock-2 csh% file unlock-2 unlock-2: GNU tar archive csh% tar -tvf unlock-2 -rw-r--r-- root/wheel 70981 2002-09-20 06:28:11 .unlock.c -rw-r--r-- root/wheel 2792 2002-09-19 14:57:48 .update.c |
The tar archive within the compressed file was "last modified" on 20-Sept-2002 (as given by the output of the first file command). Generally, compressed source archives are built in one fell swoop using GNU tar's -z option, so I think it's likely that this was the date that the compressed file was created. (Note that the date given is in the local timezone, which is Pacific time on my machine.)
The comments at the top of the files indicate that <contem@efnet> wrote .unlock.c and <> wrote .update.c.
Googling for contem@efnet results in several hits, the summaries indicating that this person or group is resposible for several instances of malicious code. EFNET is almost certainly a reference to the IRC network of the same name.
The only reference to a date that I could find within the source code was the version number #define'd in .unlock.c: 20092002 (20-Sept-2002). This is consistent with the date information discovered in Q1.
The worm changes its process name by rewriting argv[0] to be the string "httpd ", which could fool anyone looking at the process listing into thinking it was just a webserver process.
The function sh() actually contains the raw transfer of the worm. Within that function is a call to encode(), which uuencodes the .unlock file we previously identified as a compressed tar file.
The files created by the whole process are (all located within the /tmp directory): .unlock.uu, .unlock, .unlock.c, .update.c, httpd, and update. All but /tmp/.unlock are deleted after the worm is executed.
Port 80 (as given by the define SCANPORT) is scanned by the worm.
The worm tries to exploit an Apache SSL vulnerability, as described in CA-2002-23. The source contains a table of architectures (the implication is that they are i386 based) which can be exploited:
struct archs { char *os; char *apache; int func_addr; } architectures[] = { {"Gentoo", "", 0x08086c34}, {"Debian", "1.3.26", 0x080863cc}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.6", 0x080707ec}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.9", 0x0808ccc4}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.12", 0x0808f614}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.12", 0x0809251c}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.19", 0x0809af8c}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.20", 0x080994d4}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.26", 0x08161c14}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.23", 0x0808528c}, {"Red-Hat", "1.3.22", 0x0808400c}, {"SuSE", "1.3.12", 0x0809f54c}, {"SuSE", "1.3.17", 0x08099984}, {"SuSE", "1.3.19", 0x08099ec8}, {"SuSE", "1.3.20", 0x08099da8}, {"SuSE", "1.3.23", 0x08086168}, {"SuSE", "1.3.23", 0x080861c8}, {"Mandrake", "1.3.14", 0x0809d6c4}, {"Mandrake", "1.3.19", 0x0809ea98}, {"Mandrake", "1.3.20", 0x0809e97c}, {"Mandrake", "1.3.23", 0x08086580}, {"Slackware", "1.3.26", 0x083d37fc}, {"Slackware", "1.3.26",0x080b2100} }; |
Once the worm is started on a new machine, it sends an email to <> indicating the machine's hostname, IP address (encoded as an integer), and the IP address of the machine which infected it.
As given by the #define of PORT near the top of the file, the port used to communicate with other infected machines is port 4156. The code fragments which use this define all use UDP as the protocol for communication.
Provide a "bounced" connection which allows the attacker to use the infected machine as a stepping stone to accessing TCP ports on other machines. Similarly, there is a "route" option, which provides the same functionality for UDP ports.
Implementations of various floods, including UDP flood, TCP flood, DNS flood, and IPv6 TCP flood.
It is a backdoor listening on port 1052/tcp. If the correct password is given ("aion1981"), then an interative shell is launched and hooked up to the connection.
The UPTIME definition controls how long the program sits in a loop listening for connections on the backdoor port. The SLEEPTIME definition controls how long the program sits idle, not accepting connections to the backdoor.
The particular values chosen (10 seconds listening, and 5 minutes sleeping) are what's interesting about this backdoor. Since the backdoor is accepting connections only 3.2% of the time, the probability is that a random scan of open ports (either via nmap or netstat) will not show the backdoor.
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); >