- Who is the probable supplier
of drugs to Jimmy Jungle?
John Smith
- What is the mailing address
of Jimmy Jungle's probable drug supplier?
John Smith's Address: 1212 Main Street,
Jones, FL 00001
- What is the exact location
in which Jimmy Jungle received the drugs?
shoreline drive - Danny's Pier 12 boat
- Where is Jimmy Jungle
currently hiding?
22 Jones Avenue
- What kind of car is Jimmy
Jungle driving?
- Bonus Question: Explain
the process that was performed so that there were no entries in the root
directory and File Allocation Table (FAT), yet the contents of each file
remained in the data area?
The floppy has been formatted. When
formatting a floppy or a hard disk, the data remain untouched, only the FAT
and the root-directory are zeroed, rendering difficult but not impossibile
to recover the data.