If you would like to mirror our site, we require you updat the mirror at least once a week.
Mirroring our website requires 3.0 GB. To ensure all mirrors are updated
weekly, we use a powerful, automated tool developed by
Remko Lodder which uses a
timestamp file . You can
use rsync(1) or wget(1). Keep in mind wget(1) does
not have the capability to delete stale or old files. For that you need rsync(1).
There is no need to alter any of the
html links, all the Honeynet links within the site are local.
For rsync(1), please contact us. To
mirror us using rsync(1) you willneed to use the command
rsync --ignore-errors -zav --delete www.honeynet.org::www /where/you/want/files/to/go
For using wget(1) the command options would be as follows.
wget --domains=www.honeynet.org -m -nH http://www.honeynet.org
We would like to thank these organizations for their tremendous support!
South America
North America