The purpose of this page is to give you all the documentation and tools you may need
to customize your Honeywall CDROM .iso. The purpose of customization is to give you
the power and flexibility to modify your CDROM .iso (such as modifying the default password,
adding binaries, changing default boot kernel, adding users or SSH keys, change runtime
configuration settings, etc) before you ever burn it. We cannot have possibly thought
of all the uses and configurations that you will require for your Honeywall deployment. When
that happens, customization is your answer.
Last Modified: 31 August, 2004.
Getting Started
Never used customization before and want to learn what it is and how it
works? This is where you start.
- Download: Download the latest Honeywall .iso, the customization kit, and verify MD5 checksums of both.
- Directory: Create customization directory and cd into it (mkdir customize; cd customize)
- Untar: Untar customization toolkit (tar -zxvf ../honeywall-custom-60.tgz)
- Install: Install Honeywall customization programs for global use (make install)
- Image: Copy the Honeywall .iso image into the working directory, or
optionally make a symbolic link to it if space is an issue (cp ../eeyore-0.68.iso .)
- Configure: Configure default variables used by scripts during customization process (make configure)
- Template: Make base/working ISO with added packages and custom root password (make template)
- Enhanced: Make site specific ISO with custom honeywall.conf and
specific file modifications (make enhanced)
- Burn: Burn your new image.
Thats it! For more information, see the README in the cusomitzation tookit, or try out
some of the pre-made packages below.
Advanced Capabilities
Okay, you have added your first binary and made your first modifications.
Now what? How do you tear this bad boy apart and really modify it? Here
is all the documentation for advanced uses.
The Tools
Everything you need to customize your Honeywall CDROM.
Pre-built customizization packages you can apply to your Honeywall
CDROM right now.