5. Initial Setup
- Overview
- honeywall.conf Configuration File
- Dialog Menu
- SSL and SSH Fingerprint
- OS Configurations

5.1 Overview
Once you are done installing the Honeywall CDROM and it reboots, you
will have on your hard drive a fully functionaly Fedora Core 6 operating
system with Honeywall functionality. This operating system has been
minimized and hardened. It consists of a set of base install RPMS and additional packages developed by us for Honeywall functionality.
After the initial reboot the system is automatically hardened by running the
script /usr/local/bin/lockdown-hw.sh. This script is based on the
Center for Internet Security (CIS)
and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
However, the Honeywall CDROM uses the default Fedora kernel, which has no kernel
based security features enabled. Following installation, you may want to consider building
your own kernel with security features, such as grsecurity
or enabling SELinux.
Upon rebooting, you will find yourself at a terminal mode login prompt. Remember, this
is a minimized system, so there is no local X server (you can install
an X server to provide windowing support after the install if you want). From this
login prompt, you need to begin the initial setup process of the Honeywall.
The purpose of this process is to assign values to all the variables that the
Honeywall and OS will need to properly function. You have two options for your
initial setup of the Honeywall.
- Use the Dialog Menu interface. This is the more common method
of an initial setup, and is the same style interface that has been used in past versions of the Honeywall.
It is used when you are at the system console, or have remote terminal access (such as through SSH).
- Manually create a honeywall.conf configuration file and
have the Honeywall read it during the installation phase,
or install the configuration file to the system after the installation is complete.
The Honeywall comes with two default system accounts, roo (user ID 501)
and root (user ID 0). Both share the same default password honey,
which you will want to change right away. You cannot login as root, so
you will have to login as roo then 'su -' to root. The Honeywall
supports virtual terminals on the console, which can be accessed using the combination of the
ALT key and one of the F1-F6 keys. The very first time you su to root
on an un-configured system, you will be put into the Dialog Menu and a
reminder saying you need to
configure your system.

5.2 honeywall.conf Configuration File
The /etc/honeywall.conf configuration file is a ASCII text file that contains all
the values for the variables the OS and Honeywall will be using.
The Honeywall CDROM comes with a
default honeywall.conf configuration file. If you want to configure
your system, you will have to use your own /etc/honeywall.conf file.
Its VERY IMPORTANT to understand that the Honeywall does not
directly use the /etc/honeywall.conf file for its runtime
configuration. That is done with variables that are maintained as
files in the /hw/conf configuration directory. You do an initial setup
by copying to your new Honeywall the /etc/honeywall.conf file, then using
that file to populate /hw/conf. Sounds complicated, but it's really easy to do.
You do this with the tool /usr/local/bin/hwctl.
You copy your preconfigured honeywall.conf file to
/etc/honeywall.conf on the Honeywall (using media such
as a floppy or USB device), then use the following command update the
/hw/conf directory and start the Honeywall services all in one step.
/usr/local/bin/hwctl -s -p /etc/honeywall.conf
Thats it! After this, the Honeywall will be fully configured, according
to your settings. You can avoid the dialog interface entirely
using this method (assuming you've set the variables properly!) and
go straight to using the Walleye web interface. hwctl is documented
by help output (hwctl -h). You can also learn more about
how the variables work and internal functionality in
Section 6: Maintaining
and Section 9: Internals

5.3 Dialog Menu
The second, and more commonly used option, for configuring a newly installed
Honeywall is to go through the initial setup process via the
Dialog Menu. Keep in mind, you cannot use the
web admin interface to do the initial setup, as the Honeywall has no settings for
remote management. When you login as root, the Dialog Menu will automatically start for you if
your system has never been configured. You can also manually start
the Dialog Menu using the command menu. Note, only root can use the
Dialog Menu, as no other user has the necessary privileges.
To setup the system using dialog, go into the Menu. You will have
six choices for the primary menu.
The Honeywall is configured using the "4: Honeywall Configuration"
option. This menu option is modal, which means it behaves one way
if the system has never been configured before (i.e., it automatically
does an initial setup), and if the system has already been configured, it
supports modification of individual components, or a full
re-configuration. Since we are currently discussing installation,
we will now discuss the initial setup mode.
After selecting option 4, you will be presented with
three options for initial
- Floppy: In this method, the menu reads your preconfigured honeywall.conf
configuration file from the local floppy and configures the system. This is similar
to the initial setup process we described above, but automated the process for you.
- Defaults: This uses the default honeywall.conf
configuration file that comes with the system.
[Note: On first
install, a copy of /etc/honeywall.conf is made to the file
/etc/honeywall.conf.org. This file is the "factory defaults"
file that will be mentioned later.]
- Interview: The menu will ask you a series of questions to obtain the information it needs,
then configures the system based on that information. We recommend you have that information
ready ahead of time. Refer to the Initial Setup Information document
to learn what will be requested of you.
After initial configuration, menu option "4: Honeywall Configuration"
will present you with separate options for each major configuration
category (e.g., IP address information, remote
management information, connection rate limiting, etc.) This menu
allows you to manage the functioning of the Honeywall as you use it.
Changes you make will take effect after they are applied to the
configuration variables, and a backup of the
honeywall.conf file will be made in /etc with a numeric
extension (e.g., .0, then .1, etc., up to .9).
This will allow you to recover from errors, or return to a
previous state. [Note: features for recovering from errors are not yet
implemented in the dialog or Walleye user interface, but you can
always use the command line and hwctl -r -p as described
in Section 6: Maintaining].
At the bottom of the Configuration Menu you will find
"13: Reconfigure System". This
provides you with the same methods as the initial setup,
allowing you to reset the honeywall from a
honeywall.conf file floppy, from the
/etc/honeywall.conf.orig "Factory defaults" file, or by going
through the interview process again. [WARNING!!! Be VERY
CAREFUL if you are doing this when logged in remotely, you might accidentally
reset variables such as the remote management interface's IP address which will prevent you from accessing the Honeywall remotely!].

5.4 SSL SSH Fingerprint
Unless you have customized your own ISO and/or pre-loaded SSH keys
using the floppy customization method described in Section 8: Customization, the initial installation
will generate new SSH keys and an SSL certificate. These
are required for encrypted communications using SSH and SSL. Before
connecting to the Honeywall remotely, it is highly recommened that
you confirm the fingerprints of these keys/certs. (Simply
accepting new keys on first connection opens you up to a
"man-in-the-middle" attack). To print out the keys do the following from the command line:
For SSL: /usr/bin/openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -text < /etc/walleye/server.crt
For SSH: /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
If you want to generate your own self-signed certificate manually, for SSL follow
the instructions at Generating Your Own SSL Certificate.
For SSH, you will want to use the command ssh-keygen.

5.5 OS Configurations
Once the Honeywall has been configured, there are several optional
applications you will have to configure and enable from the command line.
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